SBA-15 is a mesoporous silicon-based molecular sieve with a highly ordered hexagonal straight pore structure (p6mm), the pore size can vary from 5 to 50 nm, and the pore wall is thicker.
The X-ray transmission inspection can provide a picture of whether there are defects in the inspection site of the casting and the relevant size, and the X-ray inspection system is widely used in industrial production.
X-ray diffraction spectroscopy mainly analyzes the crystal state and microstructure of materials, and there are two X-ray diffraction measurement methods for crystal analysis.
Automatic X-ray orientation instrument is an indispensable instrument for precision processing and manufacturing crystal devices. It is widely used in the research, processing and manufacturing of crystal materials.
In the past 10 years, the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has used powder diffraction method to determine the crystal structure of many inorganic and organic compounds.
X-ray detector is a device used to detect X-rays, which has a wide range of applications in medicine, science and industry. X-ray detectors convert X-rays into electrical signals for digital processing and imaging.
X-rays have a short wavelength and high energy, and can penetrate objects to directly observe internal defects. Highly praised in the field of non-destructive testing. In fact, there is another function that is also widely used, namely foreign body detection.
Nondestructive testing (NDT) is a kind of testing method widely used in various industries, which is widely praised for its high precision, high resolution imaging effect and fast and efficient detection speed.
The composition of the diffraction pattern is mainly the position and intensity of the diffraction peak, and our analysis of the XRD pattern is based on the changes in the intensity and position to explain the changes in the micro and macro of the material.
SBA-15 is a kind of mesoporous molecular sieve, and its synthesis is another important chemical technology emerging in recent years.