
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure

1.XAFS is a powerful tool for studying the local atomic or electronic structure of materials.
2.XAFS application fields: industrial catalysis, nanomaterials, also quality analysis, heavy element analysis, etc
3.XAFS product advantage: Ultra-high resolution(as low as 0.5eV), Fluorescence pattern(low content high back base), Ultra-high luminous flux, ultra-low detection limits (as low as 0.3-0.5%, 10.1039/D2CC05081A)

  • Tongda
  • Liaoning, China
  • 1—2months
  • 100 nuits per year
  • Information

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS), also called X-ray Absorption Spectro scopy (XAS), It is a powerful tool for studying the local atomic or electronic struct ure of materials based on synchrotron radiation light source, and is widely used in hot fields such as catalysis, energy and nano. 

Technical parameter



Comprehensive performance



Energy range


Spectral mode

Transmission mode

Luminous flux at sample

> 1,000,000 photons /s/ev

Energy resolution

XANES:0.5-1.5eV  EXAFS:1.5-10eV

X-ray pathway

Helium access reduces air absorption


Repeated acquisition energy drift <50meV

X-ray source


1.6kW, high voltage 10-40kV, current 1-40mA

Target material

W\Mo target, other targets can be selected



500mm radius of curvature spherical analytical crystal, size 100mm



Large area SDD, 150mm2 effective area

Other configuration

Sample wheel

18-bit sample wheel, multi-sample continuous automated testing

In situ sample pool

Electrocatalysis, variable temperature, other multi-field, mechanical conditions in situ cell

Analytical crystal

Custom analysis crystal monochromator for special elements

Core advantage:

1.Highest luminous flux products

The photon flux is higher than 1,000,000 photons/SEC /eV, and the spectral acquisition efficiency is several times that of other products; Get the same data quality as synchrotron radiation.

2.Excellent stability

The monochromatic light intensity stability of the light source is better than 0.1%, and the repeated acquisition energy drift is < 50 meV.

3.1% detection limit

High luminous flux, excellent optical path optimization, and excellent light source stability ensure high-quality EXAFS data with measured element content >1%.

Principle of instrument

X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) is a powerful tool to study the local atomic or electronic structure of materials, which is widely used in catalysis, energy, nano and other hot fields.

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure

                                                                          The laboratory monochromator XES tests geometric structures


                                                                 Mn data, Mn K-edge XAFS data, data consistent with synchrotron radiation source

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectrum

                                                        Emission spectrum data of Fe sample Kβ : core to core XES and valence to core XES

Test data

Foil EXAFS data

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure

Measurable elements: the green part can measure the K side, the yellow part can measure the L side


Application fields: industrial catalysis, energy storage materials, nanomaterials, environmental toxicology, also quality analysis, heavy element analysis, etc

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectrum

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