
XRD Accessories

2023-11-14 10:20

1.Graphite Curved Crystal Monochromator

the peak to back ratio can be increased, the background can be reduced, theresolution of weak peak can be improved, the reflection efficiency is n>35%, andthe diffraction angle of the diffractometer can be reduced. Degree of mosaic ≤0.55; the crystal surface can be tilted : 2 degrees;

Graphite Curved Crystal Monochromator          Fiber Accessories

                                  Graphite Curved Crystal Monochromator

2.Fiber Accessories

The special crystal structure of the fibers was measured by X-raydiffraction (transmission) method. The orientation of the sample wasmeasured by fiber crystallinity and halt-peak width.

Small Angle Diffractometer AccessoriesFiber Accessories

3.Small Angle Diffractometer Accessories

Small angle diffraction can be performed with corresponding accessories, and the anglerange is from0°-5 , and the thickness of nanometer multilayer thin film can be tested.

Graphite Curved Crystal MonochromatorSmall Angle Diffractometer Accessories

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