X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
2024-03-18 00:00X-ray Absorption Fine Structure(XAFS), also called X-ray Absorption Spectro scopy (XAS), It is a powerful tool for studying the local atomic or electronic struct ure of materials based on synchrotron radiation light source, and is widely used in hot fields such as catalysis, energy and nano.
The XAFS spectrum consists of two main parts: X-ray absorption near-side structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption Fine structure (EXAFS).
EXAFS: The energy range is about 50eV to 1000eV behind the absorption edge, which comes from X-ray excitation
The inner layer of photoelectrons results from a single electron scattering effect between the surrounding atom and the absorbing atom.
XANES: A range of about 10eV before the absorption edge to about 50eV after the absorption edge, mainly from
X-rays.Multiple scattering of single electrons between surrounding and absorbing atoms by excited inner shell photoelectrons.
Application field:
Industrial catalysis, energy storage materials, nanomaterials, environmental toxicology, also quality analysis, heavy element analysis, etc