Detector - the core of the X-ray diffractometer
2023-03-10 21:44The detector is used to record the diffraction spectrum and is therefore one of the most important components in polycrystalline diffraction equipment. The proportional counter and the scintillation counter replace the Geiger counter and become the most widely used detector. As human beings become more and more aware of nature, they are getting more and more deep, and the requirements for experiments are getting higher and higher. The more diverse, simple proportional or scintillation counters can not meet different experimental requirements, so many develop one after another. Different detectors.
Domestic X-ray diffractometers are always in the phase of proportional and scintillation detectors. This is far from meeting the needs of the times. Tongda Technology has launched a new generation of hign-end X-ray diffractometer TD-3700. And it is equipped with advanced .High precision semiconductor microstrip detector!
The high-precision semiconductor microstrip detector is composed of 640 semiconductor microstrip strips.
ComP.ared with the traditional scintillation detector or proportional detector, it can increase the diffraction calculation intensity by more than 100 times, and can obtain complete in a short sampling period. High sensitivity, high resolution diffraction pattern and higher count intensity.
High-precision semiconductor microstrip detector single-channel counting dynamic data range 24-bit, counting 16777216 detector counting up to 1X10"9cps; at the same time with DCS controller readout time is only 89µs. Above mentioned detector will be available for the product line including TDM-20, TD-3700 which are the two new models in the New Year.